Since I would prefer to keep things simple, or at least as simple as
possible, I'd prefer to work with one file.

To indicate that a stop is not in Openstreetmap yet, I tag it with odbl=new
when no stop with its ref is in the file I download from Overpass API.

This tag will be stripped automatically by JOSM before the data gets
uploaded, just like the created_by tag which I use to make street names
available to the person doing the import. They don't make sense in the
Brabant-Wallon file, but they seem to have helpful information in the
Charleroi file.

Since I'm a minimalist who'd prefer to put as few tags possible on stops,
platforms, stop positions, shelters, benches and waste baskets, I'd prefer
not to add source tags on each and every of the 70000x? objects we'll be
adding to the DB. OK, I counted the stops of De Lijn in that number.

So I add source information on the changesets, which is the accepted
practice nowadays, at least that's what I read on the imports list.

If you want to add such tags, you can open the file, Ctrl-a to select all
objects. Add the tags you want and save the file.


2014-06-23 11:58 GMT+02:00 André Pirard <>:

>  On 2014-06-17 09:21, Marc Gemis wrote :
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:13 PM, André Pirard <>
> wrote:
>> If you use *source=survey 2014-06  TEC 2014-04* in bus stops as I
>> recommend, you will both comply with the source requirement and be sure to
>> find the indication that they contain your file's data and can be deleted
>> from the remaining-to-be-updated file.
>> If an existing element does not contain *source=survey 2014-06**  TEC
>> 2014-04* or later, it will be kept in the remaining-to-be-updated file.
>> If a mapper further updates the data, he is kindly requested to use a new
>> date such as *source=survey 2014-07* or *source=survey 2014-06-21* .
>>     Sorry, but this is not a survey, this is an import.  IMHO, you can
> only use survey when you go out and check the exact position of the bus
> stop. A survey is not transforming data from one database format into
> another. So please do not use source=survey.
> Sorry but it is an import *and* a survey.
> *source=TEC 2014-04* relates to the import of the TEC's data*.  **source=TEC
> 2014-04* must be in bus stops so that the mapper copies it to
> OSM. When found in OSM, it means that the bus stop can be removed from the
> file which shows the work that remains to do.  Same process for
> future versions.
> * source=survey 2014-xx*  relates to the location, shelter, bench tags
> etc. that the mapper will add at the time of the import or later and it is
> a survey.  It is the last time that this data was verified and it helps
> mappers not to verify what has already been verified.
> There should also be a *TEC* file containing the original
> TEC data so that the user can compare that data with the data he
> introduces, for example TEC's uppercase name and OSM's lowercase name.
> There will be later files like *TEC* at which time a new
> will be created containing the new changes that must be applied.
> The user must also be able to see the lines drawn by TEC in case the bus
> stops do not make the itinerary clear.
> Here is a file of mine:
> What remains to be done before we can make realistic updates:
>    - publish *TEC* (= present + following
>    tags)
>     - add *source=TEC 2014-04* to *TEC*
>    - add *source=survey 2014-04* to *TEC*
>    - add website tag
>     - new = *TEC*
>    - new *TEC*
> Please note that the particular syntax of the tags is moot.
> But, please, make propositions instead of saying what it must not be
> (there are just too many).
> I can publish a "how to tag the bus stops" in the wiki page if you like.
>  On 2014-06-17 15:19, Ben Abelshausen wrote :
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Marc Gemis <> wrote:
>> the source should a) contain some reference to TEC,
>  Exactly!
> And (a) is "Exactly! " what *source=TEC 2014-04* was proposing.
> b) any aerial image you have used (probably Bing).
> This is something that everybody knows, or should know. "Bing 2004" or so,
> not "Bing".
>  you can only use survey when you go out
> On 2014-06-17 15:18, Ben Abelshausen wrote :
>  "Survey" does mean explicitly that there was an actual survey (meaning,
> going to each and every bus station to check if it is there!):
> That article does not define "Survey" explicitly. It says that it is a
> survey.
> <>
> to view in detail, especially to inspect, examine, or appraise formally or
> officially in order to ascertain condition, value, etc.
> appraise:  to estimate the nature, quality, importance, etc.:
> Nothing in that says that the surveyor must travel.  Any means to
> ascertain the data is acceptable.
> Cordialement,
>   André.
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