> we need to have a "Whats up with the forests in Canada?" page on the wiki
to explain our situation and how we've tried to deal with it

Sounds like a plan.

Cheerio John

On 30 August 2016 at 22:41, Sam Dyck <samueld...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After reading through the changeset discussion, I discovered that one of
> my imports in Northern Manitoba made Worst of OSM. (
> http://worstofosm.tumblr.com/post/22180046353/dear-
> openstreetmap-isnt-it-strange-how-the). As someone who spends a some time
> amount of time in some of relatively unpopulated areas of Canada and makes
> an effort to check the quality of Canvec data (which is usually pretty
> good), I do agree that it is impossible to do everything to the same level
> of quality that we would provide in Toronto or Timmins or even small
> prairie towns.
> One of the things that seems to bother Nakaner and the WoO people (if I
> may put words in their mouths) is that the boundaries are a bit funky in
> Canvec. Forests, lakes and wetlands spill into each other, and they are
> often out of alignment with the Bing imagery. In some ways this reflects a
> degree of natural ambiguity: if we look at the above Hudson's bay
> coastline, their is hourly variation in coastlines, and even the long term
> patterns change over time. The Manitoba-Nunavut boundary is more or less
> fixed by so we can't correct it, and a glance at satellite imagery shows
> that the vegetation tends to be spaced off of the shoreline.
> That being said sometimes there is some weird stuff happening in Canvec
> data that is out of sync with what is on the ground. These should be
> corrected when detected, but are rare enough that they shouldn't be a
> problem. I confess I haven't always been great in following the rules when
> doing imports (I think the last few years I've been fully in compliance),
> and have sometimes caused problems, people on this list have generally
> understanding. Perhaps we need to have a "Whats up with the forests in
> Canada?" page on the wiki to explain our situation and how we've tried to
> deal with it.
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