>I would have to run a query now to find out if the relative number of
active mappers is higher in one country than the other, but that's not my

But how do you determine where a mapper lives and don't forget many
armchair mappers map in a different location to where they live.

JOSM and the building_tool plugin worked very well for our lot.  We did ask
them to come with JAVA installed and we only taught them enough JOSM to map
a building with the plugin.  Well we showed them a few more things as they
got more comfortable with it.

Cheerio John

On 23 November 2017 at 10:26, Tim Elrick <o...@elrick.de> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for your feedback and background information.
> I think, we are on the same page. I am concerned with quality too, while
> mapping should remain enjoyable.
> We shied away from JOSM for newbies because it seemed more technical to
> my groups members. I personally like JOSM better, and the building
> plug-in is great. Maybe I manage to convince the group to use it next time.
> I did not intend to call for experienced mappers to do all the
> validation (I know it is tedious; however, correcting and esp. updating
> makes OSM great and in some place much better than the official
> sources). I think, that the group who initiated the mapping should
> 'clean up after themselves' (and I just wanted to affirm that we will do
> that). I just wanted to express gratitude to mappers how do help out.
> Once I am more into it, I am happy to help out validating other's work.
> I did not mean to cheery pick when I quoted the validation website (I
> very much appreciate the wiki page). I just wanted to make a point about
> timing.
> Regarding Canada, as a geographer I am fully aware of the fact Canada
> having relatively less population, however, it has still almost half of
> the population of Germany and the urban areas, which most of OSM mappers
> are concerned with, might be relatively (to population) similar in size
> (that's just a guess). I would have to run a query now to find out if
> the relative number of active mappers is higher in one country than the
> other, but that's not my point. The relative numbers do not matter, as
> actual people do the mapping. And there, I hope we agree, the Canadian
> OSM community could do with more active mappers.
> Tim
> Am 23.11.2017 um 07:54 schrieb john whelan:
> The issue is the quality of the mapping, nothing else. I attended one of
> these geoweek events and we used JOSM with the building_tool plugin.
> The mapping of buildings was accurate even though 75% of the mappers had
> never used JOSM before.  There was no formal validation done but I
> verified each mappers work as they did it.  I got the impression that
> the mappers enjoyed the exercise and I think for me that was the most
> important thing.  Mapping should be fun.
> There was no mention of the work would be validated nor did we record
> the mappers userids to ensure which mappers had mapped.  Other mappers
> had marked tiles done on the grid.
> I was under the impression that Stats Canada was involved but was later
> assured by them that this was not the case.
> The problem of lots of new mappers producing low quality work really
> reared its head during the Nepal crisis.  I do mainly validation on HOT
> projects in Africa and I ended up pulling in chunks of Africa and just
> trying to clean up the map.  Currently I'm looking at one mapper who has
> added more than a thousand ways with one tag I think it says
> source=PGS.  Data quality is a major issue in OpenStreetMap.  Recently
> someone gave up when looking for area=yes or buildings drawn in iD but
> left untagged for the most part.  I think in Europe it was 100,000 or
> more worldwide it was far higher and that's when the person looking at
> it gave up.
> There are many examples in Africa of groups of buildings being mapped as
> one building and labelled building=house.  That's what we are trying to
> avoid.  It is possible to correctly map a building in iD I've seen it
> done but it takes time.  It is far easier to sort of roughly get it
> right and roughly means not accurately.  I think the thing we need to
> avoid is a feeling the mapper needs to get a tile done. That's when they
> start to rush things.
> Building validation?  I can think of no validator who enjoys having to
> take two or three times longer to correct someones's work than it would
> take them to map it in JOSM with the building_tool in the first place.
> I'm unable to even think of a case where a project has been validated
> and the buildings corrected.  When I validate I'm trying to correct the
> mapper's work and give them feedback so they will map more accurately in
> future.  There is no point in doing this to someone who will map once.
> It's a waste of my time.
> The wiki page you pointed to, I wrote much of it. the most important
> part which you skipped is feedback from a user.
>       Why do we validate?
> “OpenStreetMap is often the only source of maps, but the data quality is
> very uneven.  I wish they’d put their more experienced mappers onto
> validation.”  This is a quote from an individual who used OpenStreetMap
> data (HOT) in the field.
> Note the comment the data quality is very uneven and that's what we are
> trying to address.  Your particular maperthon may have produced good
> work, my lot certainly did but many mappers using the tag did not and
> that is the issue.
> By the way we do have fewer mappers per square kilometre than Germany
> does and we have used CANVEC data to get a basic road network in.  In
> Ottawa we've used Open Data to bring in the bus stops. The basic
> Canadian map isn't bad but if we had as many mappers per square
> kilometre as Germany does then no doubt it would be better.  Our
> population density is also lower by the way if you hadn't noticed.
> Cheerio John
> On 22 November 2017 at 21:28, Tim Elrick <o...@elrick.de
> <mailto:o...@elrick.de>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     As you know Open Mapping Group McGill (OMG McGill) organized one of the
>     mapathons last week for the town of Williams Lake, BC. For the turnout
>     please turn to Julia's website published earlier today on the list.
>     As a mentor of the group I might be the 'director' of this event
>     according to the proposed policy by the OSMF board. In this role, I
> want
>     to assure you that we tried to do our best to teach new mappers how to
>     do their job properly, as Charles stated on this list yesterday. And
>     judging from a preliminary analysis of the data I conducted with the
>     overpass api, the participants did a pretty good job.
>     Of course, the data needs validation, which we will conduct in the next
>     couple of days. However, I do not see the rush proposed on this list
>     earlier. Ideally, validation would happen right after the mapping event
>     (as set out in this manual for HOT tasks [1]). In the real world, we
> all
>     have our jobs, families and other voluntary engagements, that sometimes
>     do not allow to act accordingly. I further think it is not even
>     necessary for tasks that are not related to immediate disaster response
>     or include ways tagged with a highway tag (in the later case it might
>     confuse navigation apps if not validated right away). In many cases,
>     validation, or better, correction of data entered by individual mappers
>     (not part of group events) was (and still is) done many days or even
>     months after the data was entered, depending on whether an experienced
>     mapper has an eye on a certain region or not. With regards to buildings
>     in areas where there existed no respective data before, I do not see
> any
>     need for rushing.
>     The important thing is that the organiser of a group event makes sure
>     that the data entered by participants of the event *is* validated to
>     ensure data quality. And we will. To this end, I appreciate that
>     long-term members already offered to help us there (thank you,
>     Charles!).
>     I still consider mapathons a legitimate way to draw attention to OSM,
> to
>     advocate for open data, and to show the potential of OSM data and the
>     lack thereof in many parts of the world, including Canada. From the
>     experience of our first mapathon I got the impression that we
> instigated
>     a vast interest in open mapping (which, I think, is a valid goal on its
>     own right) and I expect quite a couple of returning participants to our
>     next events, in which we will train them further on the complexities to
>     produce good OSM data. By continuing, we might be able to motivate one
>     or two persons to turn into long-term mappers; this is, by the way,
>     totally in line with the long-tail phenomenon researchers found in all
>     crowd-sourcing projects.
>     All those reasons I mentionend, are, I think, worth it continuing doing
>     what we did. I would appreciate, if the attitude towards group mapping
>     events were less hostile on this list and on OSM as such (I am aware of
>     less fortunate attempts conducting group mapping events recently; but
>     try not blame them, but give them a hand to do it better next time -
> and
>     I know you did, but some of them apparently did not understand how
>     communication works in OSM). Try to give them the benefit of the doubt:
>     most mappers, even in group event, do this voluntarily and because they
>     want to enjoy extend this great geodatabase!
>     IMHO, OSM cannot do without those events, because we do not want to
>     leave the future of OSM only to businesses and their paid mappers (and
>     we have seen that in some countries, including Canada, there might not
>     be enough people who find their way to OSM without those events).
>     Tim
>     [1]
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Tasking_Manager/
> Validating_data#When_do_we_validate.3F
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Tasking_Manager/
> Validating_data#When_do_we_validate.3F>
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