On 10-Oct-16 20:26, Dan S wrote:
Really sorry for the stupid question, but: what is a participant in
this quarterly project actually supposed to *do*?

I asked a similar question a week or so ago. From the responses I got, I don't think there is a single shared vision of the goals of this project.

What /I'm/ doing is checking the Greg's map, and trying to make all the blobs round here go green :)

In most cases that involves filling in addr:postcode and fhrs:id on existing OSM features. I'm not, however, trusting that the postcode recorded on FHRS is accurate, and I'm not setting addr:postcode unless I can find corroborating information (e.g. the establishment's web site).

I'm definitely /not/ copying any other FHRS data into OSM tags. If people want to see the hygiene rating, they need to follow fhrs:id to the FHRS page, rather than looking at a stale OSM copy of that data which unlikely ever to be maintained.

Which reminds me... Greg's tool seems to have recently added two local churches (which don't in fact seem to have FHRS records at all), so I must wander over there to see if I can find a postcode on the noticeboards, since there doesn't seem to be one on either of their web sites!


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