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Some great, detailed advice here! 👍

Townlands.ie shows how many objects have logainm:refs:
https://www.townlands.ie/progress/#logainm It's currentlya botu 73% of

On 17/02/17 14:51, Brian Tuffy wrote:
> Alternative names or 'typos that are not typos': (A) Many townlands
> have two official names on the map source, "Ballindoo or 
> Doocastle". Both are valid, We should try to find out which one is 
> commonly-used/dominant and use that one in the name= tag and the
> other in the alt_name= tag.

The logainm match up will only look at the name:en tag (or failing
that the name) tag. It doesn't look at the alt_name (etc) tags.
Perhaps it should. likewise it should split "X and Y" into "X" and "Y"
and look at them.

> (B) A name structure variation is valid, "East X" = "X East". We
> don't have to add every variation but if you come across them, you
> can add them. The idea is that if someone searches for a townland,
> we want them to find it no matter what variation they use. The
> example above is trivial for search but something like Inishmore
> Vs. Inish More. Also consider, Upper/Lower, Island, More/Beg
> Oughter/Eighter etc.

The logainm script is aware of North/South/Upper/etc and will try to
match based on that. It is able to tell that "X Upper" in Logainm is
the same as "Upper X" in OSM (and vice versa etc).

A few of these will be added to the logainm match up. I wasn't aware
of them:

> (C) Missing spaces can be valid names. e.g. Inishdeashmore = 
> Inishdeash-more = Inishdeash More
> (E) X Deme(ns)e and X Deme(sn)e. I suggest sticking to Deme(sn)e as
> this is what is on the map source. (H) Apostrophes in names. I'm
> getting a bit too in-depth here but I
> as well mention it. The old maps do not contain apostrophes in
> names. "Georges Island", "Abbots Island". Some name tags are now
> "George's
> etc. I suggest to keep "Georges Island" as an alt_name in this
> case.

> (G) Some townlands are named "Part of X" or "X (part of)". This
> means it is a separate part of a nearby townland. Usually, you will
> find an "X" townland nearby, that was split. I suggest we write the
> name of these as "X (part of)".

Are you sure about this? That would make 2 townlands, called "X" and
"X (part of)". I thought if the map has a "X part of" displayed that
it meant that little part was an exclave of the larger X townland, and
I've been mapping them as such.
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