Thanks for the explanation, Pieren.

I understand your view. But it looks colored by „I’ve always been against this 
proposal“ to me. What’s happening now is what you feared, and why you were 
against. Maybe you should have been followed. Maybe fearing something might 
help creating it ...

I did not take part in these discussions, and so I am missing probably some 
important bits. But as an outsider, I would understand:

==>> If we vote for a new feature, and do not deprecate the old one, both would 
be equally valid and thus both should be supported by renderers and editors.
If I’m coding, I will obviously use the new one.

I think everybody on the street not being of OSM (or an OSM-newbe) would 
understand it this way. If my understanding is wrong, than the wiki should be 
changed, the proposal should be removed or whatever.

From the voting date I conclude that the „Grand Public Transport War" has taken 
place 2.5 years ago. Would it not be time to make peace? I see a lot of 
arguments in favor of making peace, looking ahead, but I currently do not see 
any objective reason to go on with this situation. 

I really have no opinion on which scheme is better, the old or the new. I find 
PublicTransportMapping difficult, but the problem for me are not the stops. So 
it does not really matter to me. The relation and master_route actually looks 
like an improvement to me, and I think making hierarchical relations (not 
knowing the potential technical problems behind) like discussed here
 would help! (you wrote once " The method of how routes relations are already 
breaking highways is already stupid but that's another story. -- Pieren 14:26, 
31 March 2011 (BST)“   - maybe hierarchical routes is something you can align 

Anybody for making peace and going on improve PT?


Am 11.12.2013 um 16:32 schrieb Pieren <>:

> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 4:25 PM, nounours77
>> I really do not understand.
> I will tell it differenty :
> why the renderers should support two tags for the same feature if it's
> not to deprecate one of them ?
> or
> why the proposal claims to not replace or deprecate previous tags and
> we get complains later that the new ones are ignored ?
> Pieren
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