Could be a number of reasons, why the one screen reader works better 
than the other, in a given situation. And without knowing more than 
anyone else, it might all be guessing, should we claim to know the reasons.

For one thing, the commercial screen readers, are being developed by 
ingeneers who are on some kind of payment. The longer they take, the 
more a certain feature development costs. In reality, this will mean 
that unless we want to fork out a thousand dollar extra for the next 
update to the screen reader, they have to somehow limit how much time 
they invest in one particular area of the development.
NVDA, being a more or less volunteer product, will not have this 
economic barrier, hence the developers can take the time they need, to 
have the feature in place properly.

Next, any developer is only a human. We all tend to do things a certain 
way, and sometimes might not have the full expertise in understanding 
other ways to perform the same task. Most ingeneers are stationed in an 
Office, at a fixed location. They only have access to what the company 
lets them have access to, when comes to third-party software, Websites 
and computer material.
NVDA, being an Internationally decentralized project, with several 
developers spread out across boarders and facilities, will have access 
to far more examples close to everyday life. Many of the developers 
might be blind people, who finds it tricky to handle a certain task. 
They can develop their new feature, or (du to the open-sourcing,) modify 
an existing one. And, they can do so DIRECTLY on the very website, 
machine or software, posing the problem. They don't have to write any 
hour-list, hoping for their boss to pay them at the end of the month.

Since the ingeneers of the commercial products are under influence by a 
company that often tends to stick to the 'yesterdays', and have to base 
all their programming on the reasoning and coding of two or more decades 
ago, they might not have the full flexibility of today's programming 
tools. They might also suffer from a lite version of professional pride, 
which sometimes can prevent them from seeing possibilities. Even GW had 
such issues. At least a couple of cases, we were clear-cut told from the 
developing team, that a certain feature was not possible. In one case, 
they straight forward claimed that
     "Windows will not allow us to do this."
a few days later, a volunteer posted a new app, on App Central, that 
performed the very task. Strange that "Windows would not let the 
ingeneers of GW do the task", but an app - using their very screen 
reader, which clearly is based on Windows - can handle the very job... :(

In NVDA, such a case might not really be thinkable. If someone thinks 
the task can be carried out, and they have the necessary programming 
skills, they can simply go in and modify the very core of NVDA, being 
open-sourced. Or, they could write a powerful add-on, which really digs 
deep into the functionality of the main screen reader.

Talking about digging into the parenting screen reader, there we as app 
developers often run into issues. It has been told me, though I have not 
yet attempted any scripting under Jaws, that Jaws Scripting is by far 
limited in possibilities, compared to the extensive capabilities of 
Window-Eyes App Development. This all has to do with the amount of 
access the screen reader manufacturer grants his scripters. I might well 
have good ideas how to solve a given task, but if the screen reader 
blocks me from performing certain operations, I am in the basic, out of 
luck. Once in a while, some smart guy might find ways to go around the 
bush, and will be able to surpass the limitations of the screen reader, 
but that would be rather exceptional.

Again, if NVDA, in its very main core, would block a developer from 
performing certain tasks, he MIGHT modify the core, and grant himself 
the needed access. I do stress the term
Since it could conflict some of the developing rules for the NVDA 
project, and anyone attempting doing so, might do well in clarifying 
with the directing board, their right to do such main-core modification. 
I am just saying that it is possible. At least, the person with the 
right skills, can read the main-core code, and point out to responsible 
personel where the trouble nests, and what would be a proper solution to 
the matter. With the commercial products, we as paying customers have no 
access to the code, and when we are told things are not possible, we are 
left to trust that things cannot be solved. Why other ingeneers, of 
competing products,  can solve the very same challenge, you can make up 
your own thoughts. :)

Then we have the legal stuff. You remember the court-case between FS and 
GW? If memory serves, GW had developed something, that somehow, looked 
like what Jaws had already in their product. (As a side-note, other 
screen readers have a similar feature, but noone sued them). Sometimes a 
manufacturer might hold back from developing certain features, in fear 
of getting to close to the stuff of the competitor. NVDA, being a 
non-commercial, Privat-person project, might not be seen as a legally 
threatening product. Even taken to court, it might not be a valid case, 
since all the ingeneers ever could own, is the WAY a task is solved, NOT 
the SOLUTION itself.

Might I tell you, that some decades ago, someone "invented" a technique 
of lifting sunken ships from the seabed, by use of polystyrene pearls. 
They thought the idea so great, they wanted to patentize the whole 
method. Problem was, that Donal Duck had already invented the method, in 
a story some years before; hence HE (Donald Duck) was the rightful owner 
of the idea. yet, it is told the outcome of the whole story, is that the 
company holds the patent of HOW to blow the pearls into the sunken ship, 
but has NO rights for the idea of using this method for lifting ships.
OH, well, even should it all turn out being only a good story, it still 
illustrates how complicated legal stuff sometimes can be. And it further 
somehow could tell why NVDA might have less to fear, in 'snapping' good 
ideas from other products, than what a commercial product would have to 

Summing it all up:
Old-fashioned code making up the base for further development, Stubborn 
professionals, Economic intrests, and fear of legal infringements
- will only be the shell of why one screen reader might perform better 
than the other, on a given case.

might I just hook on to all of this, that there might be cases when NVDA 
really WOULD fall short of the commercials. This would be in cases, when 
the screen reader's performance depends on access to a third-party 
software, and where such access only will be granted, through a costly 
and heavily claused contract with the software owner. Or, in cases when 
the software manufacturer simply denies anyone else, but commercially 
developed projects, any extensive access. Microsoft wanted to deny 
access to certain programming features, clearly blocking screen readers 
in general out from given parts of the Windows-based world. They lost 
their case in the court (about a decade ago), and was forced to lay open 
the necessary info for ingeneers to hook on to part of the OS. This 
might have boosted the screen reader industry, and might even have 
benefitted many other software developers. But unless NVDA might have 
the money to sign contracts, they might be left outside, when it comes 
to certain access;no matter how great their ingeneers are. Being an 
open-sourced product, meaning that the access they are granted will be 
readily available to anyone, might cause certain manufacturer to refuse 
granting NVDA any real access to their products. In those cases, only 
commercial projects, with loads of money and secretly closed up coding, 
will be granted the necessary access to perform well under a given 

On 9/11/2017 8:38 PM, Marvin Commerford via Talk wrote:
 > Hi.  What you said makes sense.  For me there are things that 
actually work better in NVDA than they do in Jaws which surprises me 
quite a bit.  If you use Thunderbird's message list  NVDA does a far 
better job than Jaws does.  If you delete an unread message from the 
list Jaws rereads the information from the message you deleted.  I tried 
using the Jaws convoluted UI to try to fix this but gave up after close 
to an hour. NVDA does not do this and also tells you how many messages 
there are in a TB folder.  I so far haven't found a web page in Firefox 
that works better with Jaws than it does with NVDA.  I'm still hoping 
for pleasant surprises from Jaws but I'm not holding my breath.  I 
believe in having a commercial screen reader because those companies 
have more resources to keep up with Microsoft.  However, at this time 
I'd find it hard to recommend the purchase of Jaws to a friend or 
student who has limitted financial resources.
 > On 9/11/2017 2:09 AM, David via Talk wrote:
 >> You know, I too am tempted to believe, NVDA will take over some screen
 >> reader users. For one thing, as NVDA becomes yet more powerful, and
 >> widely known, it might happen that paying authorities or cherities, will
 >> refuse to pay hundreds (or in translated version thousands) of dollars
 >> for Jaws. And due to the dominance VFO currently has on the asistive
 >> market, they can raise the price as they desire.
 >> No. NVDA is far from good enough for a professional run, in a work
 >> position where effeciency counts. It does come short when comes to
 >> certain pieces of software, and it takes some modification and
 >> scripting, to have it up running. Jaws is, like it or not, a
 >> full-fledged screen reader, in many cases working somehow right out of
 >> the box. Sure, I did say somehow. Not even WinEyes did always work right
 >> out of the box; or why did we get the app feature of WinEyes, do you 
 >> But for the general home user, who wants to write and read emails, who
 >> has already invested in a scanner and OCR software, and who needs to
 >> perform general activities on the net (paying bills, checking the weekly
 >> offer of their favorite store, and lookup something on Yahoo or
 >> Google)... For those users, I am ready to say NVDA already will be close
 >> to good enough. I don't really see too much that Jaws performs, or does
 >> better, than NVDA on that front.
 >> VFO bought AISquared, and in effect GWMicro. Since the agreement of the
 >> merge is not publicly known, we do not know how that all came around, or
 >> what was the thought behind. Who initiated and so forth.
 >> <    IF
 >> the intension was to grow bigger, they really managed; for the time
 >> being. Was the idea of it all to control the market? Well, somehow maybe
 >> they have currently managed. But there is something about being the
 >> biggest and only one in town. You also will have to deal with ALL the
 >> queries. And, though the world map looks far more International today
 >> than two decades ago, many customers are facing ecconomic issues that
 >> might affect their chances of buying a wildly priced product. Somehow,
 >> we could think this to be some of the consequences of the WEForOffice
 >> program, which did open up for even the less bolstered wallet to provide
 >> the needy one with a full-fledged screen reader. Now that this program
 >> eventually will be obsolete, NVDA might be the choice -even the ONLY
 >> choice - for many a private user. Or, they might - if their activity
 >> does not rely solely on Windows - leave the whole computer world
 >> together, and go mobile.
 >> The somehow dominant position VFO has taken at the moment, might hence
 >> not be the fact we see tomorrow. That will all depend much on what
 >> happens in the electronic world all generally. A decade ago, prior to
 >> the first IPhone, everyone would have claimed that Windows was here to
 >> stay. Then came the first IPhone, then the IPad, and today many a user
 >> does not even own a computer any longer. Recently, I did see a
 >> relatively up-to-date Android device, straight from the store shelf,
 >> with all warrantees intact, advertised well under 100 dollars. Turn it
 >> on, hold two fingers anywhere on the screen, and your device is fully
 >> loaded with a screen reader, in less than five minutes. Just HOW well
 >> will Jaws face that figure? Buy yourself a computer for anything from
 >> 300 to 1500 dollars, invest another 1200 dollars of software, add on
 >> 1200 for the screen reader; spend an hour or two in installing,
 >> licensing and updating your brand new pet. Guess you see my point. You
 >> do all of this, should you need to. But for the user who doesn't 
need to?
 >> Further, keep in mind, that many who turns blind today, already are
 >> quite familiar with Android and Phone/Ipad products. Being the kind of
 >> equipment many - even school kids - now aday are acquainted with, they
 >> might not even have the skills needed for starting out with a computer.
 >> Turning blind today, you don't have one or two years to spend in a
 >> special institution for the blind, hoping to learn something
 >> old-fashioned, then imagining yourself getting back into some kind of a
 >> daily living. You simply HAVE TO get going more or less right away. And
 >> since you already own the mobile device, and all you need is to activate
 >> the screen reader pre-installed on it, you soon enough will choose that
 >> avenue. Should you now, in addition want to get your computer going for
 >> certain tasks, why go through all the hazzle of raising the 1200
 >> dollars, when you can be in business simply by downloading and
 >> installing NVDA, and be up running in less than ten minutes? You know,
 >> you don't even need two eyes to download it for you; you've got Narrator
 >> for that part of the job.
 >> Again, Jaws might be well enough for those of us who have more heavy
 >> needs on the Windows-based systems. But as time moves on, we likely will
 >> slide in the background. Tomorrow's user, likely won't need Jaws, and
 >> can enjoy a heavy good load of donuts and coffee, for the 1200 saved. :)
 >> David
 >> On 9/11/2017 12:54 AM, Loy via Talk wrote:
 >>> NVDA is not far from being as good as JAWS and  I can see it 
happening that people will download the free program instead of paying 
hundreds of dollars for a very similar program.
 >>>     ----- Original Message -----
 >>>     From: Josh Kennedy via Talk
 >>>     To: Window-Eyes Discussion List
 >>>     Cc: Josh Kennedy
 >>>     Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 4:23 PM
 >>>     Subject: Re: window-eyes open source?
 >>>     Why couldn't it happen?
 >>>     On 9/10/2017 3:47 PM, Dennis Long via Talk wrote:
 >>>     > I don't see that happening.
 >>>     >
 >>>     > -----Original Message-----
 >>>     > From: Talk 
[] On 
Behalf Of Josh Kennedy via Talk
 >>>     > Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 1:08 PM
 >>>     > To: David; Window-Eyes Discussion List
 >>>     > Cc: Josh Kennedy
 >>>     > Subject: Re: window-eyes open source?
 >>>     >
 >>>     > I wonder what VFO would do if NVDA starting eating into their 
business profits? If free open source NVDA would become way more popular 
than jaws and would still be open source?
 >>>     >
 >>>     >
 >>>     >
 >>>     >
 >>>     > On 9/10/2017 2:54 AM, David wrote:
 >>>     >> Matter of fact, this question was raised a couple of days 
after the
 >>>     >> anouncement of the discontinued development of WinEyes. I 
will get
 >>>     >> back to what Doug said back then. First of all, let's take a 
quick look at facts.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Had it been as easy as WinEyes would have been a stand-alone 
 >>>     >> with all its coding done 'in-house', things would have been 
pretty easy.
 >>>     >> And had it been that Doug and Dan had been the only ones to 
 >>>     >> the software, they could have decided whatever they wanted.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Things are not that easy!
 >>>     >> First of all, what doug pointed out, was that to get the better
 >>>     >> functionality of WinEyes, they had to reach certain 
agreements with -
 >>>     >> for instance Adobe - to get access to third-party software, 
kind of
 >>>     >> behind the scene. If they open-sourced the code, now these 
 >>>     >> might be disclosed to the public, threatening the products 
of the
 >>>     >> third-party manufacturer. In turn, this of course would lead to
 >>>     >> people, not working on assistive technology at all, to get 
hold of the
 >>>     >> key for the backdoor of - say Adobe's reader - and use it 
for unwanted
 >>>     >> activity, or even malware development.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Secondly, WinEyes had a feature of offering you loads of 
apps. Many of
 >>>     >> them are open-sourced, but WinEyes holds a chance for the app
 >>>     >> developer to cryptize his code, for protecting against 
peekers. This
 >>>     >> was a benefit, for instance when the app has to access a 
server, and
 >>>     >> maybe even use some login credencials, to perform the activity.
 >>>     >> Without me knowing for sure, we could think of an app like
 >>>     >> WeatherOrNot, which has to access a server, retrieve weather 
details, and process them for you.
 >>>     >> Now if the developer has reached a given agreement with the
 >>>     >> weather-server provider, that his app will gain free access, 
under the
 >>>     >> condition of not disclosing the login credencials, we are in 
 >>>     >> in open-sourcing WinEyes. By doing so, we would disclose the
 >>>     >> cryptizing code, opening up for people to break the 
cryptized code of
 >>>     >> the app, get to the credencials, and then misuse it.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Part of the agreement GW made with their app developers, by 
 >>>     >> the cryptizing feature, was to keep the app code an enclosed 
 >>>     >> They might get into legal issues, should they disclose the 
 >>>     >> thereby lay bare the very code of the app developer, who in 
turn might
 >>>     >> sue GW for breaking the agreement. This is kind of backed 
up, by a
 >>>     >> message Doug posted several years back, when someone claimed 
they had
 >>>     >> broken the cryptizer.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Furthermore, it has been confirmed from Aaron, that some of 
the apps
 >>>     >> directly from GW, like AppGet, do hold credencials for 
accessing the
 >>>     >> servers of GW. It is unlikely that they want to have these 
 >>>     >> open-sourced. In particular so, if you remember the attack 
 >>>     >> gave them a few years back, when the code of the GWToolkit 
was hacked,
 >>>     >> and gave many a WinEyes user quite a shock the morning they 
turned on
 >>>     >> their computer, and got a threatening message on their screen.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Mind you, GW got into a cooperation with Microsoft, when they
 >>>     >> introduced the WEForOffice program. Even here, they told 
that this
 >>>     >> agreement would put them in specially close relationship 
with the
 >>>     >> ingeneers of Microsoft. Who knows what closures might be 
 >>>     >> there, and which would be broken, had WE got open-sourced.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> Now let's move back to the answer Doug gave back in the 
spring this
 >>>     >> year. The above is a bit of an elaboration of what he said. 
You will
 >>>     >> find his answer in the archives, but in very short terms:
 >>>     >>        NOPE! WinEyes code CANNNOT go open-source; If for no 
 >>>     >> reasons, due to the infringement of third-party agreements 
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> All of this, actually leads me to once again raising the 
very question:
 >>>     >>        Does VFO even have access to the WinEyes code?
 >>>     >> VFO might have bought AISquared, thereby also the former 
GWMicro. But
 >>>     >> they might not have bought the copyright of the source-code. And
 >>>     >> perhaps that was never intended either. Seems all they 
wanted, was to
 >>>     >> rid the market of any competition, period. Who knows, maybe Doug
 >>>     >> simply hit the Delete-key, the last thing before he handed 
in the key
 >>>     >> for the Office front-door?
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> And to assume that VFO's tech personel would bother to plow the
 >>>     >> thousands of lines of coding for WinEyes, in hope of hitting the
 >>>     >> technique used to perform a simple task, is out of range. It 
 >>>     >> take hours, days or even weeks, to figure why things have 
been done
 >>>     >> the way they were. Or, to find the part of a signed 
contract, that
 >>>     >> possibly could be renewed in VFO's favor. Far more 
cost-effective, and
 >>>     >> resource sufficient, to simply look at the behavior of the 
 >>>     >> product, and sit down developing the same bahavior from 
scratch. Even
 >>>     >> calling Adobe, Microsoft, AVG, Avast and so forth, asking 
for a brand
 >>>     >> new contract. A contract VFO already has in place. So my big 
guess is,
 >>>     >> VFO DO NOT NEED the code of the WinEyes screen reader, and 
never did.
 >>>     >> They needed the market, and that is what they've currently got.
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >> On 9/10/2017 3:01 AM, Josh Kennedy via Talk wrote:
 >>>     >>    > hi
 >>>     >>    >
 >>>     >>    > Is there any possibility since window eyes is no longer 
 >>>     >> to get the window-eyes source code make it open source and 
put it up
 >>>     >> on the github website? then other developers could keep 
developing window eyes.
 >>>     >>    >
 >>>     >>    >
 >>>     >>
 >>>     >>
 >>>     > --
 >>>     > sent with mozilla thunderbird
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