>  a) motorway: that's very clear, therea are no or very high limits.
>  b) "city" areas with limited speed and some restrictions
>  c) everything else, mostly out of town.

In Czech republic there are different rules for motorways inside
"city" area (maxspeed=80) and outside (maxspeed=130). So case d)

identifying a) is easy and if we are able to identify what is inside
and outside city - b), we can identify roads and motorways
inside/outside city.

There was similar discussion on czech mailing list. One suggestion is
to use administrative boundaries. There was suggestion to use
landuse=residential, but that is not possible - often the "city" area
is not corresponding to landuse=residential. Suggestion for
administrative area is pretty good, but there are still some caveats -
sometimes the boundary follow the road and in few cases, sign for "end
of village" and sign for "beginning of village" from other side do not
match (so basically, one side of the road is "inside" the village,
while the other is not.)

> (In practice, the test for a "built up area" seems to be "does it have street 
> lights?".)

Test for street lights won't work, many small villages in Czech. Rep.
are signes as build-up area (with all the implied speed limits and
such), but they don't have street lights at all.


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