Shaun McDonald schrieb:
> On 10 Jun 2009, at 03:25, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 2009/6/9 Paul Johnson <>:
>>> I'm curious if bicycle boulevards would qualify as living streets, 
>>> given
>>> that a living street would most closely describe a bicycle boulevard in
>>> OSM terms, though a bicycle boulevard might lack pedestrian facilities.
>>>  Frequently, these are not streets you would want to let the kids play
>>> in, as the volume of fast-moving, near-silent vehicles would present a
>>> very real collision hazard at peak traffic times.  This kind of way has
>>> sprung up only in the last 10 years or so, and almost all of them were
>>> formerly highway=residential prior to becoming bicycle boulevards.
>> I would still like to see the cycleroad-proposal become reality,
>> because these kind of streets IMHO merit their own class.
> In my eyes, that road would be simply tagged with highway=cycleway.
> Shaun
+1 for me.
Even in germany on these roads there are no additional rights-of-way in 
comparison to "normal" cycleways (except that bicycles get the 
officially allowance to drive next to each other and not just inline. 
buts that's piece of cake ;) ). A normal cycleway with 
motorcar/agricultural/...=yes/destination/... would be exactly the same.


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