2009/9/12 Emilie Laffray <emilie.laff...@gmail.com>:
> John Smith wrote:
>> From the map features page:
>> place=locality                An unpopulated, named place.
>> I'm pretty sure what you guys are discussing involves large numbers of
>> people, so please don't abuse this tag which is already used for a
>> completely different purpose already.
> From the same (I suppose) page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Locality
> The place <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place>=*locality* tag
> is useful for places that have a specific name, but do not necessarily
> have any geographic feature or population centre that could be used to
> attach a name tag to.
> Please note that he NOT NECESSARILY, which implies, I believe, that you
> could have population associated with it. Of course, I might be wrong
> since English is not my main language. I am probably misunderstanding
> the examples that are given especially the last line.
> A "quartier" is not necessarily big; actually, in France, they tend to
> be rather small with hundreds of people contained in a fuzzy area. They
> are very small areas usually. My hometown of 20K inhabitants have at
> least 20 of those named areas (The density is quite high due to some
> appartments complex).

I wouldn't interpret it as that, I would have said a ghost town, ie a
town that once existed but no one lives there any more. Any place with
people is either a hamlet, village, town, suburb or city.

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