John Smith wrote:
> XML is supposed to make data interchange between different databases
> easier, but once you start mixing datasets all bets are off, this has
> nothing to do with XML and everything to do with mixing datasets.
> As for your other point about UUIDs being useful, I think I agree with
> you, but then I have no idea what you mean by your next question.
>> >  Trying to 'create' a new type of unique ID would be pointless?

Actually it follows on from the 'mixing datasets' point. The UK has a well 
defined ID for every property in the United Kingdom. I have a large set of that 
data available for other purposes but I end up having to tag the unique 
id's with something else as the same numbers appear in other data sets. Adding 
UUID references to the different datasets makes matching a whole of a lot 

UUID is an already well structured unique id so there is no point trying to 
redesign it ... lets just use it ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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