> >> If you want to interlink databases, eg wikipedia, you would simply
> >> extend upon the work I've done for UUID to OSM object lookup table,
> >> you'd add one more table and then use the UUID as the key field and
> >> link other object IDs from other databases to it.
> >
> > Do you have a link?  I'm not familiar with that proposal.
> I was hoping to have something done before I brought it up, but at
> present it's still in my head. I have for the time being included your
> previous wording about using a wiki on the proposal, but left it open
> because while I don't think a wiki would be the best solution, I'd be
> interested to know if you have a good reason for needing freeform
> text.

I'm not sure.  The description would be fairly freeform.  I can't think of
anything else that would be as freeform as that.

I call it a wiki but I imagine most of the data would be structured.  In
fact, in many ways I think it'd be better structured than OSM data, which
doesn't currently allow for arrays or sets or type checking.

Not much different from http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/27940475,
except that "edit" wouldn't require flash, and it'd be formatted a little
better (*).  If the OSM database could better support structures, and
especially arrays of structures, it could even use the OSM database for
storage.  But I'm not sure that's going to happen.  For those things that
are supported by the OSM database, the wiki would use the API.

(*) For instance, instead of "addr:housenumber=411" and "addr:street=Elm
Street", it'd say "Address: 411 Elm Street".
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