
John Smith wrote:
I'm not aware of any entities that would share more data if OSM used a
cc-by compatible license, in fact I've been told some governments
agencies are unhappy that they have to share at all, but they
definitely would not be happen with anything less than an attribution
style license.

1. Anecdotal evidence helps neither side in this discussion.

2. Imports and government cooperation are not crucial to OSM's success.

3. Imminent death of OSM has been predicted by various parties at various times for any kind of license decision or non-decision.

4. It is my personal opinion that advocates of share-alike licenses are driven less by the desire to create something great, but more by the desire to ringfence, protect, defend what they think is their property against imaginary powers of evil. I am opposed to the idea of property in this context. Anyone who goes outside, sees a lamp post, writes down that he has seen a lamp post, and then goes on to derive intellectual property rights from this action should go away and join the RIAA. But that is my personal opinion and we have many ardent share-alike supporters in OSM whose work and dedication have done a lot to further OSM's success and I, grudgingly, respect their predilection.


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