2010/8/10 Anthony <o...@inbox.org>:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Elena of Valhalla
> <elena.valha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 8/10/10, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> [...] CC-BY-SA can't be used for databases.
>>> That's certainly trivially incorrect.
>>> The database that holds Wikipedia is a database, for instance.
>> And it's not under CC-BY-SA per se, it's a collection of creative
>> works (the articles) that are under CC-BY-SA
> So you're agreeing with the statement that CC-BY-SA can't be used for
> databases?  Okay, whatever.

This is going too many times around.

For summary, there are:
1) People who are imported bunches of data from thirty party sources
and owners those sources where fine with SA and/or Attribution
clauses, or have licensed data under CC-BY-SA and are mostly easily
reachable to relicense data to ODbL. These pople DON'T OPPOSE ODbL,
but they DO OPPOSE CT, as it has nasty wording about "further
re-licensing", which can make promises to keep data attributed and
shared alike impossible. As far we know, there are several official
complains made to LWG and we hope this will be fixed.
p.s. I'm and several very loud people in this list in this group :)

2) There are people who oppose OdBL in general, as they are confused
OR don't see problems with CC-BY-SA. Unfortunately, facts plus
copyright law are in grey area, and it is very hard to say easily what
works and what not. But from other side, LWG and OSMF have listened to
complains and have done their homework on ODbL. So while it is leap of
faith, it could be good one. For this group it would probably better
scenario is a fork, as it seems majority of OSM contributors accept
move to ODbL.

Please take into account, that first group is rather big. We are not
looking to ignore that CC-BY-SA is on shaky grounds, we want to use
ODbL, but we want to be sure about future - therefore we are asking to
fix wording of CT so we can be sure OSM in the future will be licensed
using SA (we don't mind limited form of this in ODbL) and SA.

I really hope LWG will soon make decision about re-licensing clauses
in CT so we can move forward.

Cheers, and have a nice day,

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