On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:04 AM, John Firebaugh

> iD 1.1 displays relationship memberships in the sidebar much like P2 does.
> We plan to add additional functionality (e.g. highlighting routes on the
> map, visual rendering of turn restrictions) in future versions, but feel
> that 1.1 makes relations visible enough to sufficiently address the concern
> of unintentional damage. As has been discussed before, we are not planning
> to add intrusive "Are you sure?" warnings to iD. Such second-guessing
> disrupts legitimate workflows and turns away new users, who typically
> already feel anxiety about doing something wrong.

Having fixed (or helped to fix) damaged relations created by well meaning
P2 editors, I think the problem predates iD.
An intrusive "Are you sure, really sure: newbie!" would be intrusive.  But
that's not the only option. Consider the educational opportunity.  A
message more on the order of:

*"Hey, we just noticed that you've edited part of a `relation` for the
first time.  Relations can be a bit tricky, want to learn more? [YES] [NO]
[Don't Bug Me I'm An Expert]"*

iD is already brim full of helpful little messages, why not for a subjects
that are really opaque, like relations (and multipologons)?

Is there research behind the assertion that messages 'turn away new users'?
 If that's an assumption, not research, then
consider the possibility that new users with 'anxiety about doing something
wrong' might in fact feel comforted by a system with safety brakes,
training wheels, and parachutes.  Something more of a message that "*hey,
if we notice anything tricky we'll let you know*".

Just to test this out I went and damaged a relation using P2, iD and JOSM.
 It was JOSM that did the best job of warning me what I was about to
commit.  With iD the relation info was "below the fold" on the info pane,
and without knowing what I was looking for, I would have missed it.
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