Back to the original question about iD being the default editor:

Originally at least part of the thinking behind iD was to have a
newbie-friendly editor [0].  As seen before and in this thread, more
advanced users want to keep adding functionality, which will tend to make
it less simple and friendly.  This is understandable for any number of
reasons (don't like Flash, know Potlatch 2 isn't being actively developed
any longer, don't want to use JOSM, want uniform options across editors,

Would it be make sense (and be possible) to have a super-basic version of
iD be the default, and have people be able to opt-in to a more advanced
version through their user preferences and/or the existing Edit tab
dropdown?  Maybe when you saved with the "basic" version, there could be a
prompt to try the more advanced version of iD?

This may be a pain technically or culturally (main issue being where do you
draw the line?  but really, would a total newbie need to edit
multipolygons, or create turn restrictions, or load custom imagery?).  Just
thought I'd bring it up.

Cheers, Brad

[0] from the iD wiki page: "*iD* is an OpenStreetMap
editor<>programmed in
JavaScript <> (usable directly in
the browser) with the aims to be *simple* and *friendly*."

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Janko Mihelić <> wrote:

> 2013/8/19 Martin Koppenhoefer <>
>> Relations are fragile and if they are almost hidden for the mapper a
>> warning should be the minimal precaution (or alternatively don't let iD
>> users do these kind of edits where relations are involved and would be
>> damaged).
> A turn restriction issue was opened on ID Github page 9 months ago, and I
> commented about preserving existing turn restrictions 5 months ago:
> I still think preserving existing relations should be a priority.
> Janko
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