Re: Mapbox's response:

"There are also some customers who have white-labeled in which they
don't have to provide some attributions."

What does it mean for a customer to have [been] white-labeled? Is this
like a white-list of customers who have paid extra so that they don't
have to attribute Mapbox, perhaps? Or am I misunderstanding this

However, Openstreetmap does not have any exception for certain
customers to skip attribution because they paid a certain amount to
Mapbox or even to the OSMF.

Perhaps if many of Mapbox's customers are really unwilling to add
attribution, we could change the license to allow database users to
pay for the privelege of not providing appropriate attribution. But
right now this is not allowed by the current license.

Joseph Eisenberg

Disclosure: I have no personal financial interest in Openstreetmap,
though I do spend lots of time and some real money on it (internet
service fees, new laptop, etc), and I sometimes try to get
humanitarian organisations and businesses here in Indonesia to start
using Openstreetmap data, with appropriate attribution.

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