Hello Jay,

Saturday, July 17, 2010, 9:59:08 AM, you wrote:

JW> Okay, while we are waiting for a new version of TB to talk about,
JW> maybe someone can answer a small question for me.

JW> In my list of folders I see the total for my inbox is 12(1). My
JW> question is what does the "(1)" mean? If I delete all of the messages
JW> in my inbox, then the total appears as "0(1)". 1 what? My Inbox has no
JW> subfolders that I am aware of.

The  number in parens is the number of unread messages in sub folders.
So  it sounds like you have a folder in your Inbox Folder and there is
one unread message in that sub folder.

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:miked_...@verizon.net
Using The Bat! v4.2.36.4 on Windows Vista 6.0 Build  6002
Service Pack 2

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