>>TB is the pick, because it is the most well developed Imap
>>implementation with the most configurable interface, with tolerable html
>>in email display.  It is true that Mulberry's Imap is more complete, but
>>I don't find it more trouble free.

> TheBat!'s IMAP handling is crude and unpredictable. I would never trust
> it in a production environment. The HTML display is not tolerable until
> we have the choice to display images.

Crude and unpredictable.  That would be Pocomail and Eudora.

> Thunderbird is what I chose to put my company on. The IMAP
> implementation is great. It is not complete, but average users won't
> notice unless they want to drag out the RFC :). At least I can save my
> sent mail to my IMAP sent items box, I can rely on the counters, I can
> leave it on as long as I want and it won't hang, I can filter my account

Yes, if static message index columns, inability to set font sizes, and
many other things is good enough, Thunderbird is good enough.

> and my number one pet peeve..... I can mark items as deleted and they
> don't disappear from the inbox (when we used TB! this was the number one
> trouble call, accidental deletion) with Thunderbird, it is just lined
> through, the user can right click and undelete, no more hysterical
> calls. undelete is possible in TheBat!, it just isn't intuitive to the
> average user, gone is gone to them.

Interesting.  One of the things I positively didn't like about
Mulberry was the necessity to delete messages twice.  If I delete it,
I want it to be gone.  All gone.  POP users have survived a long time
without needing to deleting messages twice, why does this become
necessary for Imap users?


 Using 3.99.24 on Windows XP, 5.1, Build 2600.
 IMAP email provider is Fastmail, which uses Cyrus server software.

 Current beta is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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