Hello Thomas,

Saturday, January 19, 2008, 9:59:54 PM, you wrote:

>?It's a very bad idea from where I sit.
>?I thought making MicroEd UTF-aware would enable me to display
>?UTF-encoded messages in the PTV. That would have been a real
>?improvement over having to view them in the RTV! I grudgingly accepted
>?viewing them in the RTV, waiting for the improvement. Now it's even
>?worse: Even non-UTF encoded message are displayed in AngsanaUPC. No
>?good at all.

As I'd said several months ago, make it possible to use different font for 
different charset encoding message. Just like Becky(http://www.rimarts.co.jp). 
I might use SimSun for gb2312 message, Courier New for English one and MS 
Gothic for shift jis encoding... etc.

Best regards,
 drifthat                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Translator of Chinese The Bat!
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