Hello Thomas,

Sunday, January 20, 2008, 11:00:47 AM, you wrote:

ST>>?Your message reminds me about the idea to attach different font
ST>>?settings to any character set, now it shaped into automatic choise
ST>>?of a viewer profile based on message's character set.

>?I was just going to ask you what you mean by profile and how easy it
>?is to switch. Right now, I toggle by right-clicking in the message and
>?left-clicking on Use Plaintext, that's very quick and easy for me.

>?Changing the viewer profile based on character set is dangerous. 

As you said in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] If there
is a default font profile per account(or per folder), just right click and
select "Using default font profile" menuitem. All is done.

BTW, this message is encoded in gb2312. If TB implements the "default font
profile per account" feature, your "PTV/RTV toggling" trick will still work in
similar way, right?

>?Summary: The viewers in do exactly what I need. The situation
>?in is such that it renders TB! unusable for me. If you want
>?to add flexibility, fine; but do not take the existing flexibility
>?away in the meantime. I will watch the announcements of new betas
>?(alphas) and will download again when I have a choice of
>?switching/toggling again.

I *do* need the "viewer profile per charset" feature. Because I get simplified
chinese, traditional chinese, english and japanese email. Not a single font is
suitable for those 4 encoding. I have to use Simsun in RTV because gb2312
message is the majority. Of course, I can use Courier in PTV for english mail,
but how about the other two? What's more, in current version of TB, only PTV can
display asian encoding mail properly, the RTV shows extra square, question mark
or other garbage characters in chinese OS system. Can you see the extra "?"
leading the quotations above? That's what the windows/HTML editor has done in my
system...This issue occurs when the TRichView component was introduced in v3.5.x
or so, IIRC. And never fixed till now.

Best regards,
 drifthat                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Translator of Chinese The Bat!
Using The Bat! v4.0.0.12 (ALPHA) with AntispamSniper v2.5.0.2 & MyMacros 1.11a
on Windows 2000 Advanced Server (v5.0.2195, Service Pack 4)

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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