Hello Oleg Zalyalov,

On Friday, October 01, 1999, 2:08:15 PM you told us:

[ ... ]

OZ> Anyway  there is no way to avoid a hand job -- because you looking
OZ> to  folder  decides  which  message you want to read now and which
OZ> later.  All this job can be automated at high enough rate by using
OZ> folders  and filters (not only incoming ones, but read and replied
OZ> also).

Perhaps  Claude  only  read via Mail Ticker, and according him (CMIIW)
the  subject  info  is  enough  to decide the message need to response
immediately or later.

- syafril -

Name    : Syafril Hermansyah     | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama 
Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600            
URL     : www.dutaint.co.id      | FAX     : (62) (21) 351-9241  

I am using The Bat! 1.36 Beta/4 <registered> at
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 built 1381, Service Pack 5
Created : Friday, October 01, 1999, 13:54:14 (GMT + 07:00)

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