Hello, the Bat! list recipients,

Friday, October 01, 1999, Claude wrote about
Orange folders color:

OZ>> I do not spend any time doing this sorting job. TB! does it. When
OZ>> I   want   to  answer  some  message,  but  later  I  just  press
OZ>> Ctrl-F5,Alt-F2  and  go on reading. After that I go to Outbox and
OZ>> select answers to write and send.
C> So, for *each* *non-urgent* post, you press ctrl-F5, etc.
For *each* message I press Ctrl-F5 if I want to reply to it, sooner or
later.  The  major difference in our mail working policies is that you
have  in  one folder both urgent and non-urgent messages. I do not. My
messages  are  filtered  by TB! by formal rules to the folders which I
divided  into  2  classes:  for  urgent  messages  and  for not urgent
messages.  First  are shown in mailticker, second are not. So, first I
read  urgent  messages  and  reply to them if needed, and only when no
more urgent messages left (mailticker gone) I begin to read non-urgent
messages.  Sometimes  it  happens  that I have to answer a message but
have  no  information  available  or smth alike, then I don't write an
answer, but just press Alt-F2 to not to forget to answer it later.

So  I just do not open folders with non-urgent messages -- that what I
mean by time saving.

Best regards,
Oleg Zalyalov.                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Using The Bat! version 1.35
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 5, RC 1.1

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