
On Tuesday 4 June 2019 at 3:08:56 AM, in
<mid:302466858.20190603210...@gmail.com>, Avram Sacks wrote:-

> What is S/MIME?
> What is OpenPGP?

They are standards for signing and encrypting.

In both cases you generate a key or certificate. Sometimes called a
key pair because it actually consists of a public part you share and a 
private part you keep safe.

S/MIME uses Certificate Authorities (CA). You send them your
certificate to sign as certificates that are only self-signed are not
generally trusted. The CA may charge for the service and may carry out 
identity checks. It is likely a CA that doesn't charge will just check 
you can receive email at the address stated on the certificate.

OpenPGP uses a "web of trust" where users can sign each other's keys.

> Currently the bar reads "S/MIME + OpenPGP (auto)"

That means that S/MIME and OpenPGP are both enabled and that PGP/MIME
is set to "Auto". You can change these settings from the context menu
that appears if you click that part of the status bar or select
Privacy from the menu at the top.

> What is happening automatically?

If you are not actually signing or encrypting with an OpenPGP
implementation, nothing.

I think setting PGP/MIME to "Auto" allows TB! to automatically choose
which method of OpenPGP to use, inline or PGP/MIME. This relates to
how the signed or message is structured within the message source, and
to whether the PGP begin/end lines and signature are concealed or
visible in the message text. I don't recall seeing a description of 
how TB! makes this decision.

> There are also a picture of a locak and a green "Sign when
> complete" button to the right of the S/MIME + Open PGP (auto) bar.   What do 
> those buttons do?

You can select "Sign when Completed" or "Encrypt when completed". 

If you have a private key (also called a certificate) linked to your
email address, you can sign outgoing messages. If you have a public
key (certificate) linked to the recipient's email address, you can
encrypt the message you are sending.

> If I went to send an encrypted message to a client.  What are the
> steps that would permit me to do that?

> I apologize, in advance, if this is discussed in a help file, but I
> could not find a coherent discussion.

Did you try, under Privacy and Security, The section called OpenPGP or
the section called S/MIME? They are not the clearest but are worth a
read. And maybe do a little research on the internet. Then come back
with more specific questions.

Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2017-r3sgs86x8e-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

He's an environmentalist - his arguments are 100% recycled

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