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On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 04:05:23 +0200, Avenarius wrote:

A> As a dial-up user, so far I've found no use whatsoever for the Mail
A> Dispatcher... Although the gadget seems to have been *invented* for
A> people who'd like to save unnecessary download times...

I'm a dialup user and ...

Personally I use it to examine all messages exceeding 150KB, prior to
download. I first configure my account properties to leave messages on
the server for one day. I then set the message download size limit to
150KB. Whenever a message exceeding the size limit reaches my mailbox on
the server TB! gives me a notice with the headers attached. If I wish to
retrieve the message, I then use the mail dispatcher to do this. If I
wish not to, I either ignore it where it's eventually deleted after a
day or if the message is larger than 1MB, I use the dispatcher to delete
it manually from the server. I only have 5MB of server space for mail
you see.

To prevent having to weed through hundreds of already downloaded
messages to do this sort of thing, I have set up all my discussion list
mail filters as well as my spam filter to delete received messages from
the server. What the filter actually does is to mark the filtered
messages for deletion which is done at the next mail check. I therefore
only have my last 24hrs worth of personal mail to look through (30-50
messages at a time as opposed to 400 at a time). Pretty painless at that
point. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "People will die this year that never died before "
Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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