On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 21:19:36 +0000, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

> >> .. If you do this through a long threaded message discussion, you will
> >> see the remaining Message List Columns just goes to the far right
> >> where you have to right scroll over to see them.
> MK> I have not received any word back from RIT Labs on this problem as
> MK> I submitted a bug report on it.
> IMHO you probably won't. RITl labs have a strict policy of only
> responding to the first originator of a new bug report.

If this is true, then this may not provide other TB! users enough
initiative to report program bugs and problems since their effort, time,
and work is not worthwhile to RIT Labs.

> While it is agreed that this is a problem for many, it is, however,
> the way TB is *designed* to work rather than a "bug". By strict
> definition a bug is what happens when a program fails to work as
> intended. You are having a problem with the way the program has been
> designed to work.

I have never seen an e-mail client designed to adjust the message columns
based on the Subject thread expansion.  This is the first ever.  If this
is not a bug and it is a design, then this should be referred to a design
flaw.  This reminds me of the Microsoft saying, "it is not a bug, but a
feature."  :)

> The TB programmers will, no doubt, think of a better design for this
> for v2 but it is a fact that they will not be making any such
> substantial alterations to the design of v1 while they are working
> hard to produce v2. As I say, this is a *design* problem, not an
> operational error.

I keep reading general references about TB! v2 without any estimated time
of releases or what may be in this version.  As it is now, I purchased TB!
v1.49 based on the features and how it mostly worked.  After purchasing
TB!, I noticed the message columns kept adjusting when the message threads

I encountered two other bugs (or designs) in TB! 1.49 that will definitely
crash TB! 1.49:

When I press Ctrl-* to expand the message threads, if I would accidently
or mistakenly press Ctrl-* twice or more, TB! would crash.  There were
other times where I could not get the message columns to adjust back
within the message list area.  After exiting and running TB! again, I was
able to drag the message columns back.  Sometimes the Subject column would
disappear from a mail folder and I would need to add it back.  I have the
'Use the account default columns settings' selected in all of the mail
folders properties.  I also keep seeing the column widths randomly
adjusting in a variety of widths -- very small to wide.

The second bug (or design) is where I clicked ">>" to add all message
columns to the Selected Items: section.  I always receive the following

  The Bat!

    (X) List index out of bounds.

             << OK >>

In the 'Available Items' section the following remains:

  Message ID, Parking, To, Total Messages, and Unread Messages

In the 'Selected Items' column the following is present:

  Subject, From, Received, Size, Flagging, Attachments, Priority, 
  Colour Group, Created, Folder, Memo, and Message Flags

I found a few other bugs (or designs) in TB! 1.49 that crashes TB!.  After
one TB! crash today I was unable to read any messages in any mail folder.
This way after experiencing the above two problems back to back.  After
exiting and running TB! several times, I was able to read messages in the
mail folders.

After reading your first part of this message, this gives me no ambition
and initiative to report these problems to RIT Labs since they will
probably ignore them.  To me this shows the lack of interest to possibly
solve some current problems where they company could keep or gain more

> Why it does it this way has already been explained in fairly good
> detail and, while I sympathize with the frustration you feel, I can't
> suggest any other way to help. Having said that, Allie Martin
> suggested a very good way of using TB which makes the problem so much
> *less* "in your face" and hardly a problem at all. I, too, use TB as
> he described. Perhaps you should try that?

I may not have been subscribed to this mailing list when the detailed
reason and explanation was sent.  Could you cite the message from the
TBUDL archives for me?  Because when I searched the mailing list archives
I did not find any messages explaining this situation.

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