List-Hosted-by: Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia

Friday, March 30, 2001, 12:13:29 PM, you wrote:

KS>> I wish it were. I never use the preview window; I read mail
KS>> using the folder view and then hop from message to message.
KS>> For me, that means that memo's are inaccesible: I can write
KS>> one but you can't save it.

> Try the following:

> Open a view folder window and then hit Ctrl+Shift+I. This should open the
> memo view window. The 'save' and 'clear' toolbar buttons should be blanked
> out so trying to create a memo for the currently selected message would be
> futile. Now select another message in the message list. You should now see
> the memo window toolbar buttons become active and you can now create the
> memo via the view folder window.

> I can create memos but I have to first select another message after
> opening the memo view and then go back to the original message for which I
> wish to create the memo. A minor bug.

I hit ctrl-shft-i and it was ready right away to create a memo, I
typed a few characters and his save and they showed up in the memo
column were they belong.  Didn't have to do the extra fiddling at all.

(I'm running 1.51 on WindowsME)

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385

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