Hello Shane,

I am evaluating TB! and this was the first problem I found.

SRM> This is an old subject, but since I haven't seen anything about it in
SRM> awhile, I figured I'd give it another go.

I am using TB! 1.61 and W2000

 SRM> Sometimes... Out of nowhere ... The Bat just stops picking up mail.
SRM> Something INTERNAL hangs.  NO visible issues - just a strange absence
SRM> of mail.  Shut down THE BAT, and you get the message similar to "There
SRM> are still operations in progress.  Want to exit when they are
SRM> finished?"  Neither response allows you exit.  Killing THE BAT task is
SRM> the only way out.

I went back and viewed the archive and Ross West had some good ideas
that saved me a lot of time. I am using Zone Alarm and found that most
of the problems were due to the mail being blocked. I set the mail
server name to the trusted zone, no effect. I then entered the server
IP instead of the name for TB! and all started to work reliably, I
thought. (Although I now can pick up mail on schedule Ross, IIRC, said
this wasn't an ideal solution. Any thoughts?)
Then I got a similar message to the one above and a hang (but it is
very intermittent). I will continue to monitor it.
I am also evaluating Eudora and it doesn't have any problems with ZA,
but I do prefer The Bat!

Just some observations from a brand new user.
Best regards,
David Want

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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