Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A few people keep saying how wonderful it is to sort their spam to a
> different folder.  While this is a neat feature of TB! that can be used
> for some things, I feel it is NOT intended to sort spam.  Who really
> wants to look at the stuff even once?  Install SpamWeasel and you can
> have the spam deleted before you even see it.

The "download rules" method I outlined in an earlier message does 
not just sort spam to a different folder. 

First, you create a whitelist of approved senders (friends, mailing 
lists, clients, newsletters you get regularly, family, vendors, 
providers, etc.).

Next, you create a blacklist of known spam addresses.

Finally, you treat everything else as unknown, setting a rule to 
query any mail not on your whitelist or blacklist.

The whitelisted mail gets downloaded automatically.
The blacklisted mail gets killed on the server.
The unknown mail triggers a query, asking you whether to download, 
delete, or ignore. 
Each time you get a query you can update your white list or black 
list accordingly. In a short time the number of queries drops way 

This method requires a simple server program intervening between 
your email program and your providers. I recommend VPOP3.

I've never liked any of the spam busting programs, since they can so 
easily be replaced by a simple and elegant set of rules like the 
above. The download rules can be expanded, too (other options are: 
delete silently, delete and report, download and delete, ignore). 
Others swear by their favorite programs, however, and that's fine.

John De Hoog

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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