ON Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 4:57:45 PM, you wrote:
MAU> Hello Andy,

>> - I cannot save searches and thus make explorer short cuts to them

MAU> No, you cant save them in the way you say. But the Message Finder
MAU> "saves" the last 9 searches you have done with all conditions (not
MAU> just the search strings). You can re-use any of them by opening the
MAU> Message Finder and going to Edit->Use previous conditions.

Hi Miguel,

Thanks for that. I was just repeatedly doing the same search and thought
what I great function this would be. Beaten by TB! again, you got to
love this baby :)

Best regards,
Good players have the power to think while they are competing.  Most
golfers are not thinking even when they believe they are.  They are only

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