* "Kenneth S. Rhee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[ some strange people seem to prefer top postings ]

> This has to do with a group of us who also access our e-mails
> using cell phones or smart phones (CDMA or GPRS). I as a general
> rule, do not download the full message but first 5 to 10 lines or
> a small size (2 K) in order to save time and bandwidth in my
> smartphone.

If you want to communicate and don't have enough bandwidth ...

--/.-/-.--/-.../. -.--/---/..- .../..../---/..-/.-../-.. -/.-./-.--
.../---/--/. -././.-- ---/.-../-.. -/.-./.-/-./.../..-././.-.
./-./-.-./---/-../../-./--./... .-.-.-/.-.-.-/.-.-.-


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