Hi all,

I just joined this list to check if there was any commotion about the
2.10 release of The Bat! The following is pasted from the online
archive of this list: [from John Phillips, Sydney, Australia]

JP>When starting up I get the following error message:-

JP>"Can't create folder c:\ProgramFiles\THEBAT!\Bayesit. Check that no
JP>file with such name exists or that access to the folder is

JP>Message appears on installation and each start up session.
JP>Bayesit is loaded, apparently after the message is accepted (ie click on the
JP>"x" in message window).

Exactly the same here John. The dialogue box with the error message
even gets hidden behind the startup logo. All there is to do is click
the logo and then click 'ok' .. then the program seems to strat
normally. I also deleted my previous Bayesit folder and now have to
live with the fact that several non-spam messages have been filtered
into the Junk Mail folder. Hope it's just an adjustment phase.

Also: could anybody using 2.10 try and create a virtual folder (I
picked one pointing to a physical folder with 3000+ messages) and then
try and delete it again ? Here it results in one or more 'access
violations' which seem to be benign in the sense that the
notifications can be clicked away without the program crashing.

Johnny Skaaning,
Using TB! 2.10 on Windows XP

Current version is 2.10.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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