
>> Wow, that's like a superhumanly kind gesture I think. But you should
>> elaborate a bit .. are you saying that by installing an additional
>> dummy plugin we can rid ourselves of the startup error message and
>> keep using Bayesit ?

J> My misunderstanding.. If I recall right, what you're describing was
J> related to the shift from older/stand-alone BayesIt using the
J> registry and the 'integrated' version not.

Ah, no. There's an issue now going from TB version 2.04.7 where
the Bayesit version is 0.4x to TB 2.10.00 where the Bayesit
version is 0.5. When you start TB , Bayesit complains about its
folder (where it keeps dictionaries and logs etc.) already existing.
When clicking 'ok' to this notice, everything seems to run ok though.
There was another guy here saying the same thing, so I trust it's not
just some weird local phaenomenon with me.

I've tried to report it through the 'bug report' and later as
'information request' through the links in the help menu of TB, but to
no avail. The messages come back with server errors. Ritlabs' server
might be sick, or they've hardcoded invalid email addresses?

Johnny Skaaning
Using TB! 2.10 on Windows XP

Current version is 2.10.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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