> I  always  thought  it  was  two after a full stop, and one everywhere
> else.

Depends on the 'typing school'.

In the days of non-proportional, i.e: fixed width, fonts it was deemed
better to place two spaces after full-stops (periods).

This however looks ugly in the days of proportional fonts. Thus one
space is recommended in that situation.

Since some email clients and some users of adjustable email clients
set the email to be displayed in fixed width font (usually people who
like ASCII art signatures) (??!) then they are getting one space in
the situation that started this thread.

Typographically, the white space should be kept to a minimum in close
type - so I am happy with one space always.

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat! 2.11.02
with POPFile 0.21.1
on Windows XP 5.1 

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