Hello Bill,

Wednesday, July 14, 2004, 12:39:55 PM, you wrote:
Bill> Well you're the moderator and I also hate to see all the talk of
Bill> preferences. But this editor bug is near the top of my list of
Bill> pet peeves with TB!. It falls right after the lack of in-mail
Bill> and out-mail filtering.

What do you mean by lack of in-mail and out-mail filtering? Do you
mean incoming and outgoing mail?

Bill> It's amazing that such a great email program can't handle simple
Bill> text reformatting. At least it should permit seamless switching
Bill> to and from an external editor so we can reformat paragraphs.

I don't necessarily disagree with you.

Bill> Suppressing such discussions - such as how that can be done -
Bill> does not do Ritlabs any favor.

Not suppressing them, just requesting they change venue. TBOT was
designed for this exact purpose (when a thread wanders into realms no
longer directly related to the list purpose). There have been a number
of times when the conversation has taken place on TBOT and then the
summary / points made back to the developers.

If people thought smileys and Roguemoticons were OT, discussion on
whether one or two or three periods following a full stop would
probably cause a riot. :grin:

Leif Gregory (TB list moderator and fellow end user).

Tagline of the day:
Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

Using The Bat! 2.12.00 under Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4 on a Pentium 4 2GHz with 512MB

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