Dear Tbudl,

@18-Oct-2004, 20:07 TBUDL [T] in

T> Can anyone explain why it is that when I receive an email that
T> appears to be HTML only does TheBat! offer me an empty email? From
T> what I can see it appears to be stripping out the HTML code that
T> would link externally and provides me with a stripped email of
T> everything except the headers.

TB strips nothing. Nothing was sent. The message is nothing but a link
to an external message. TB will not download any external content
since this would amount to a security breach. This is probably why you
think the message is "Empty".

Have you checked the source data of the message? Is the content purely
external or is the message, in fact, comprised of invalid /
un-displayable HTML? If so it might be the result of a bug in either
the sender's client or in TB's rendering system.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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