Dear Tbudl,

You are NOT TBUDL - at least a recognisable name, albeit an alias may
help to get some extra input from others. Right now, it's not easy to
take such ill conceived anonymity seriously.

@18-Oct-2004, 23:24 TBUDL [T] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

... <snip>

T>>> TheBat displays a grey page of nothing.

>> That because it's what TB was sent.

... <snip>

T> Ok here is a prime example of the before and after TheBat has brought
T> the email in - following is the before i.e. sitting in my
T> folder before being requested by TheBat!

Your folder? On what? Whatever is handing the message to TB
my be stripping it. I've seen blank messages come in to TB but they
start out that way at source. I've never seen TB tamper with mail in
any way (unless by fault of a rare bug during a beta). One of TB's
points of pride is its data integrity when it comes to received mail. is a localhost IP address. So that would seem to imply that
have a local proxy that is intercepting your email before TB sees it.
Do you think that could be what's emptying the content before you see

HEY!! Anyone else reading this thread who's seen TB empty a mail on
delivery? I've not seen that happen. Nobody's leaping in to say "yeah,
TB always does that". If somebody can support one or other side of
this debate it would help.

... <snip>

T> Now as you can see this is not an email I want to see anyway but
T> that is not the point here. I should be choosing what I wish to see
T> and not a piece of software that has yet to learn my tastes in
T> email.

You may need to look deeper than just TB.

T> This was not identified by BayesIt as JUNK by the way.

I believe that would be because by the time TB saw it, it was blank.

T> At this rate I am going to need some Vălium ;-0


Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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