Hi, Stuart,

On Wednesday, April 09, 2008 5:49 AM, you wrote regarding my
synchronization question:

>By leaving the mail on the server you do not need to sync except for
Sent mail.
>When you connect to your email account with either machine it will
download the
>mail that the current computer has not downloaded before. (Note: you
must make
>sure that both computers are set up to leave mail on server.)
>To get sent mail you would need to CC or BCC yourself.

>If you plan on syncing the 2 computers anyway, then you do not need to
>messages on the server as it would serve no purpose.

OK, thanks.  I think I have a better picture of this now.  Since I want
to exactly duplicate on each computer what the other computer sees
(including which messages are read and unread), it seems that I should
leave both computers on and synch every night.   However, if I leave
messages on the server for at least 24 hours before deletion, then that
will insure that messages downloaded in the morning to one computer can
still be downloaded by the second computer in the afternoon and still
read before the next synchronization takes place.

This leads to my next question about synchronization:

Assume desktop user Abe downloads e-mail in the morning: items a, b, and
c are downloaded and Abe, in the morning, reads all messages and deletes
items b and c from desktop.
Assume laptop user Sara downloads the e-mail in the afternoon: items a,
b, c, and d and Sara reads only item b and deletes nothing.

Assume that a, b, c, and d will remain on server for 24 hours. 

At night, both the laptop and desktop synchronize.

Here are my questions:

1. Will items b and c be deleted from the laptop or will they be added
back to the desktop?  

2. After synchronization, will item a appear as read on the laptop or
revert to unread status on the desktop?  

If synchronization is invoked, is one computer designated a "master"
such that however mail appears on THAT computer is controlling as to how
it appears on the second computer, or is the process more complex?

Avram Sacks

Using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 (desktop) and ver 4.0.20 (laptop) on MS
Windows Pro sp2

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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