Apparently branding as a priority by some devs, is a major reason. I
can't believe a Gnome dev said he hadn't heard of XFCE to a
transmission dev!

> in some cases, you even have some people, who are PAID by some vendors,
> agressively pushing GRATUITOUS, non compatible changes. I won't say names,
> but you guys can fill the blanks in.
> I'm pretty sure there's a lot of good intention behind the "progress" in
> recent desktops. But this is turning the field of OS distributions into
> a wasteland. Either you're a modern linux with pulseaudio and pam and
> systemd, or you're dying.  So much for the pionneer spirit of opensource,
> where you were free to innovate and do cool things, and more or less have
> interesting software able to run on your machine...

It could well end up the other way around, with systemd dying. It does
far too much and most of which is pointless in order to gain traction
but also limiting it's scope and so success unless it is forked or
radically changed of course. The amount of code running as root is
rediculous too. Even Redhat devs have said it offers little and it
certainly causes major problems even for Linux.

The Linux communities are still keeping some freedom (Gentoo, Debian).
It's said Debian is just because of HURD but I don't think that's true,
though the argument would be long.

Rather than spending time on these, are trinity and mate etc.. worth
looking at?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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