Hi Marc

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:

> So, hey, do whatever you want with that. Apart from the proverbial 
> curmudgeons,
> there are LOTS of nice people in the OpenBSD developer community, who are
> fairly open to a lot of stuff...  I wouldn't be there if that weren't the
> case.

Oh, I didn't want to generalize on the niceness (or lack of) in
OpenBSD - sorry if it sounded like that. As in every group there are
people more friendly than others :-) From your point of view everybody
is nice to you ;-) You are one of the core devs - for people probably
not that knowledgable as you and coming from outside it might leave a
different impression.

Again, I am just saying... ;-)


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