On Tue, Nov 06, 2012 at 01:38:32PM +0100, Marc Espie wrote:
> in some cases, you even have some people, who are PAID by some vendors,
> agressively pushing GRATUITOUS, non compatible changes. I won't say names,
> but you guys can fill the blanks in.

I'll fill in redhat, making upstream support even for older ATI
video cards effectively Linux-only by removing all UMS support
from the X driver: 
I'm not an X hacker so I might have misunderstood the impact of this but
on the surface it looks like a move that's bad for everyone but Linux.
Couldn't they at least have left the existing and working UMS stuff alone
so others could still easily upgrade the driver to get bug fixes?

On the bright side, somebody seems to have finally figured out the
zaphod mode issue: 

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