On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 03:53:15PM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> > Maby the expected results of our tools are different. My goal for the
> > ansible module is that you either keep a specific set of flags in the
> > 
> > playbook which will then get set if necessary, or you remove the flags
> > and will instead get the system default.
> > 
> > Not passing any arguments does not mean "do not modify any flags", it
> > means "make sure we have the default flags". Because of this I will need
> That's backward. From what I know of Puppet and SaltStack, they work totally 
> different. They will never change anything on the system unless you intruct 
> them to.
> In your case you want that the absence of a configuration knob (flags in this 
> case) resets what in rc.conf.local... I think that is *not* the element of 
> least surprise :-)

To me this means the tool would miss if I for whatever stupid reason
felt the need to manually tweak rc.conf.localo on a box, later
forgetting I had done so.

In this case I would need to always specify flags, even default (empty)
ones, to be sure all systems are configured the way they are supposed
to. This seems to contradict the beauty of defaults.

This is probably sliding into bikeshedding territory, so I will leave it
at that (would happily discuss it offlist though) :).

Patrik Lundin

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