On 9/21/2016 12:42 PM, Paul Vaughn wrote:
> We are also deploying 450i sectors - putting a new tower up today actually.  
> It rocks.  No dropped UEs, manages interference like a boss - 900 MHz even, 
> and a fraction of the cost.  It is hard to justify paying more for more 
> troubles and less satisfied customers.  We put a lot of hope in Telrad 
> initially, and then the new firmware recently, and neither seem to be 
> delivering.  I am going to try to roll back the UE firmware as recommended on 
> here and see if that helps.
Yep.  450i performs better in the real world.  RF and throughput.

Had I known that Telrad would be the MORE difficult path, I'd have saved 
myself a lot of time, effort and aggravation and just gone Cambium.  Oh, 
how I wish that I had.

All this talk of LTE 'standards' and 'evolution' is meaningless when the 
product's basic operation is a problem.   We're now 18 months past the 
time Telrad said the product would be ready and at this point we were 
supposed to be deploying a different "version" of LTE with much higher 
RF and TCP/IP performance.   But 'software-defined' seems to mean 
something different to Telrad as they're already talking about the UEs 
being obsolete for that purpose - which of course is far more expensive 
to deal with than tower-side gear and makes a lie of any claims about 
'software evolution' of the product.

They can't even agree on how to RMA all the UEs we had that stopped 
working when we switched over from WiMax mode to LTE.  We still have a 
pallette of them waiting for Telrad to pull out their thumb while they 
age and we have to buy UEs to continue deployment.

As an added bonus, they changed the user interface for the 8000 
product.  Because life with Telrad was too easy already.

I feel really guilty for having been an early adopter and early 
advocate.  The gear doesn't do what it did in our early tests, which 
were WiMax mode - we were told to expect better RF performance, and of 
course I think we all know that what we got was something else. Today I 
tell WISPs to avoid LTE and will continue to do so until proven wrong.
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