
> Action items I found:
>  * Update/rewrite the NewHacksMacro to 0.12 and Genshi templates

That already happened in preparation of the originally planned upgrade to
0.11. The functionality of that macro is now integrated in the

You can see the "current state" of what has been done for the upgrade so
far over at http://trac-hacks.org:81/. It's a fully-featured testbed
installation, based on a (just updated and thus now recent again) copy of
the original database and subversion repository of the live trac-hacks.org

It makes use of the live t-h.o authentication information - means: you can
use your normal t-h.o login, but take care that when you change your
password there this will also affect your login on the "normal" t-h.o
site. All other changes you do in the testbed - such as wiki page changes,
registering new hacks, committing to the repository, ... - won't have any
affect on the "normal" t-h.o site, however.

The main issue that prevented me from performing the upgrade to the "live"
t-h.o is: speed. You will notice it when you visit places in the testbed
installation which present a list of hacks, such as the WikiStart page:
it's painfully slow. IIRC I've investigated the reason for the issue and
found that rendering the links to each hack's wiki page and tag pages is
pretty time consuming.

I've then started to implement a cache for these things, so that the
rendering happens only once, but got stuck somewhere in the middle. If I
remember correctly, the latest state of that work is not yet available in
the repository. Anyway, Trac meanwhile implements its own cache
implementation, which is much better than what I came up with and which
thus should be used for our purposes. I have to look at that stuff again.

>  * Test TracHacksPlugin with 0.12 (I installed it and imported all TH
> wiki pages, but it didn't list any hacks. Maybe that's a simple
> installation/configuration issue)

I guess so. That functionality depends a lot of tags, which are most
probably missing in the imported wiki pages.

>  * Upgrade from TracBlogPlugin to FullBlogPlugin
>  * Find a replacement for the now dysfunctional 'html' macro to e.g.
> show newflash divs.

Done, see testbed.

>  * Also: Upgrade subversion server/repository to 1.6.x

I'll set that on my list. However, this step requires the use of packages
from Debian Backports, since Lenny usually comes with 1.5.1.

By the way: what is the benefit of the new version for our purposes?

Bye, Mike
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