Hi Footleg, 

could it be helpfull for you if you do a look to the parameters to convert
from WGS84 to European 1979? I havn`t found no formula to convert it
automatically. In hope there is someone on the list who has more
Informations for calculate it. 

Umrechnungsparameter aus WGS84

dX [m]


dY [m]


dZ [m]


delta A


delta F





Von: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] Im 
von Footleg
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2011 16:37
An: List for Therion users
Betreff: Re: [Therion] UTM 30 N

I need UTM30 projected coordinates on the European 1979 datum. So my
coordinates in the 3d files are in UTM format (i.e. in metres, not in
decimal lat. long. degrees).

I can try to compile from source code. I am on Windows, so some tips for
compiling would be handy (I am a Java developer, so not too familiar with
compiling other languages but can probably muddle through).


On 5 April 2011 15:32, Martin Budaj <m.budaj at gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Footleg <drfootleg at gmail.com> wrote:

> in UTM30 European 1979 Datum. This is not the same as the more common

>   #fix 1.0 41.234567 -3.21012 213


I am not sure if you need European 1979 datum with geographic
coordinates (as your fix example suggests) or projected UTM30

In the first case, you could try EPSG:4668, in the second case I could
send you custom Proj4 definition if it is fine for you to compile
therion from source code. Custom proj4 strings in .th files should be
supported in not so distant future as well.


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

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