I've taken a quick look, and this is really (REALLY!) useful. Just messed
with the colours, not the other enhancements. I already changed the colour
of rock lines from snow4 to yellow by editing (and uncommenting) that line
in the ini file. I could not tell my rock lines from my survey lines
rendered in the background sketch imported from PocketTopo. Some of the
other colours are maybe a little too dark so I will experiment more to
brighten them up and see what I think works best as I am sketching.

The triangles for station points have another advantage over just changing
their colour. I can now see the black circles for the stations positions in
the background sketch imported from PocketTopo. Previously the blue circles
of the stations points completely hid the black circles they were placed on
top of.

If you could add something to the points which have an orientation set to
show the orientation (without having to select them as currently) that
would be another step forwards.

Great stuff, thank you!


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 11:50 AM Владимир Георгиев 
<vld.georgiev at gmail.com>

> Hi all
> There are some modifications that I made to the XTherion and would be
> interested if someone can test them and share their opinion. They were
> quickly patched up and I am no TCL developer so there might be a bug or two.
> Initially I needed to have an XTherion shortcut to delete a line point so
> I started looking through the source. I added Ctrl+Shift+D for deleting a
> line point, Ctrl+Up/Down for zooming in and out in the map editor.
> The all blue items in the map editor were harder to use so I tried to
> colorize them. E.g. walls to be "brick red", pits are magenta, rock borders
> dark gray, slope is yellow, etc. The non-selected scrap is light gray.
> The station point I made orange and a triangle instead of a circle so it
> is more visible.
> I will probably add other colors after I work with the editor more.
> I have attached a couple of screenshots of how it looks, the xtherion
> source and the "compiled" xtherion tcl app.
> Btw, where does the source live, besides the zip archive on the site? Is
> there a source control repo somewhere that people can contribute to?
> For experimenting with the colors I used a private git repo. I admit I
> haven't checked the licensing for the code.
> Here are the colors that I changed and added them to the INI file.
> #set xth(gui,me,activefill) red
> #set xth(gui,me,pasivefill) green
> #set xth(gui,me,controlfill) blue
> #set xth(gui,me,highlightfill) cyan
> #set xth(gui,me,unselectedfill) lightgray
> #set xth(gui,me,wallcolor) brown
> #set xth(gui,me,pitcolor) magenta
> #set xth(gui,me,slopecolor) gold
> #set xth(gui,me,rockcolor) snow4
> #set xth(gui,me,bordercolor) turquoise
> #set xth(gui,me,stationcolor) darkorange
> Best
> Vladimir
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