> This raises a related question for me - why is it good practice for
> plugins to check if they've already been loaded? (if
> version.extensions.....) { } at the top of most plugins). I've never
> seen one plugin include the entire source of another plugin, so why is
> there a risk a plugin will be loaded twice?

In general, I don't include this check in my plugins.

However, I *have* seen instances where people had two different
versions of the same plugin code installed in one document, because
one of the plugin tiddlers has been renamed.  As a result, the newer
revision doesn't *replace* the old one, and both tiddlers continue to
be loaded at startup, so multiple loads *are* possible, even if it is

Of course, for most plugins, being invoked multiple times doesn't
really matter (except for the extra processing time), as they are
typically just definining functions and variables that aren't actually
*used* until after startup processing has finished (e.g.,
config.macros.something.handler, config.options.chkSomething, etc.)

However, if a plugin hijacks a core function, or appends to the
config.formatters[], or modifies shadow tiddler definitions, or is in
any other way not *idempotent*, then multiple loads *might* result in
a serious fail.

For example, if a hijack is done twice, it will produce an infinite
recursion, because the 2nd hijack will end up overriding and then
subsequently invoking *itself* (rather than the original core function
that was hijacked the first time).  If the recursion gets trigger
during startup (e.g., when rendering the initial PageTemplate
display), then the browser just hangs (or gets a "too much recursion"

Further, if we assume, however unlikely, that the user actually
understands what is causing this problem, there's no way to correct it
from within TW itself, and they have to resort to using an external
text editor to find and disable the errant plugin, so that they can
then open the document normally and really fix the error.

Lastly, it is possible, using various plugin-defined features such
RunTiddlerPlugin, or LoadTiddlersPlugin's "init" option, to invoke
plugin code *after* startup.  As noted above, any plugins that are not
idempotent at load time need to ensure that they don't get invoked
twice (or at least, detect that they were previously loaded so they
can clean up any functions/data left behind before re-initializing).


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