kudos to Xabrina for bringing up the pandemic of 1918-- very astute-- the 
benchmark to compare others to

personally-- I may be human, but I'm not really part of its society-- "But 
I strode on austere.  No hope could have no fear," pretty much sums it up

but duty is a hard habit to kick so I salute Mohammad on this, I would be 
doing the same

and now of think of it, if I was still working I would be using and 
promoting the use of TW not just for citizens in matters of public safety  
(TW could be a part of the emergency plan the government here promotes for 
disaster preparedness)
but also for puclic safety/emergency preparedness agencies/organizations 
and their workers

An important issue is the portability of TW-- it doesn't have to be online 
(Internet & cellular access gets interupted during natural disasters) or on 
drive but can be on USB sticks so your emergency instructions/plan can be 
accessible on tablet without power grid or Internet/cell access. 

One thing ppl should be aware of that the virus may not be deadly to the 
non-elderly, that doesn't lessen the threat, anyone exposed increases the 
spread which becomes exponential.  Among those at the most risk would be 
incividuals om medications that suppress the immune system-- those 
medications have become quite common now.

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