I was hoping to find the stats we had about 3 years ago. Apparently they 
were based on the usage of TiddlyFox.

I think if we had stats, you'd find that basically there's about 350 
million people
who will automatically discount a product that has a childish, non-serious, 
and embarrassing name like "Tiddly--anything".  
Yes, there are PROMOTED products with childish names (e.g. Duck Duck Go, 
which has a TINY sliver of the search market) 
But TiddlyWiki has no promotion mechanism. It's that initial "bump" that is 
the problem. People are turning away from TW 
before they know anything more because in their language the name says 
"Just a toy -- ok to ignore".
Yes, if there's an evangelizer in the room, they can get past that. But if 
not, people just skip to the next thing, of which there are plenty.

I would need a linguist to find correspondingly diminutive forms for every 
language and/or English dialect. I can only say, 
in many parts it is EMBARRASSING to explain to people that you are using a 
product called TiddlyWiki. 

And I wish everyone would quit saying "We would have to change everything." 
or "we would lose our search results." 
You don't have to change everything. You can keep the tiddlywiki.com site, 
the forum, pretty much everything except 
the publicly exposed name of the product. And what good are high ratings on 
the search engine if people don't know 
to look in the first place?

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