Just to edit my response, now I've actually read the thread carefully, 
oops, I'm slightly off track in my reply...I'm just looking at individual 
hosting.  I'd happily chuck some cash somebody's way for continued 
tiddlyspot workingness.  I'm guessing no one has heard anything regarding 
the future of the site?

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 10:48:32 UTC Ste wrote:

> I'm looking at this at the moment...I keep thinking..'Oh..I'll just edit 
> this' on my wiki, then cry quietly as I remember that tiddlyspot is broken 
> :(
> I was thinking node.js with bob to serve multiple wikis.
> So far Iv'e turned up https://www.mythic-beasts.com/ for about £70 a 
> year...I think, or a combo of Domain reg from google, Hosting from 
> https://www.cloudflare.com/ and serving from 
> https://www.vultr.com/products/cloud-compute/ at $2.50 a month.  I 
> haven't committed to anything yet....Going to boot up my pi and check I 
> manage to get it all running before I throw cash after it.  The joys of the 
> command line.....
> Ste
> On Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 21:59:07 UTC Mark S. wrote:
>> I'm thinking as far as an offer goes, you might have the most luck 
>> posting at https://tiddlyspot.blogspot.com/ . With or without chocolate.
>> For setting up your own, you would need to find a web host, preferably 
>> one that charges per space used rather than 
>> un-metered-but-with-secret-restrictions. Then you would use store.php 
>> (older) or tw-receiver to serve up your own tw host. There might be 
>> additional complications if you wanted to protect your files via ssl. When 
>> I looked at hosts, it seemed that most of them wanted to sell one rate for 
>> 1 to 3 years, and then twice that rate afterwards. Most of them that charge 
>> per storage space were more expensive. For a personal site, I might just 
>> depend on TW's own encryption rather than worrying about a site getting 
>> hacked.
>> Re hosting for everyone, all the public files listed in the tiddlytoolmap 
>> seem to come to about a half gig. So if the total space was under one gig, 
>> then there's at least one website offering services at $6/month plus 
>> probably $14/year for domain name registration.
>> The question of size keeps coming up. It's hard to estimate how much a 
>> site would cost when the total size is unknown.
>> Well, this probably hasn't helped much, but should prompt other 
>> conversations.
>> Good luck!
>> On Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 12:51:27 PM UTC-8 Alvin wrote:
>>> Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.
>>> Did my question fall through the cracks? I don't think it can get 
>>> COVID-19, so there's no need to social distance. Would it help if I offered 
>>> chocolate for an answer?
>>> On Monday, November 16, 2020 at 12:24:15 PM UTC-6 Alvin wrote:
>>>> I offered to foot the bill for another hosting service for Simon and 
>>>> Daniel to use to move the TiddlySpot domain, but all I've heard so far is 
>>>> crickets. So I would like to take my ClassicTW files that were on 
>>>> TiddlySpot and put them online somewhere else. I would appreciate it if 
>>>> anyone can provide step by step instructions how to do that. I also need 
>>>> to 
>>>> know how to keep them password protected. Thank you so much.
>>>> If someone wants to contact me (Alvin dot Orzechowski at sign gmail dot 
>>>> com) about my offer, please do so directly.

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